The flight home was truly breathtaking, leaving Newark at dusk and reaching Ireland at around dawn. Unfortunately I am not nearly a good enough photographer to catch the amazing light effects in the sky, nor am I a good enough landscapist - even if I had the materials with me.
Tried my best, as you can see. Hard to make mountains look bad, though. And a truly beautiful and heart-warming sight they were, after all that flatness of New York. (To those that tried to argue with me that New York is not flat, Yes It Is. The Palisades are NOT high. Come to Scotland, and I'll show you.) From looking at the flight path provided in the plane, I'm pretty sure this must be Skye. Which is a not very big island, for non-scots. Oddly, staying in a (little bit) upstate New York has made me much keener to go and explore the countryside here - so, if nothing else, the trip has made me appreciate how many good things we are blessed with back here in Glasgow, and in Scotland.
(oh, and here is a little link to a great video - Bonnie "Prince" Billy - I came across it near the start of the residency, and as it shows some of my common haunts, it kept me from being too homesick during my stay.)